The Uncast Show

Unraid September Digest 2024


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‪@SPXLabs‬ is back at his trusty workbench to bring you the Unraid September Digest:

1. We hired not one but two new Full-Stack Developers to help rapidly build out Unraid API development. Say hello and read more about Mike and Pujit here!

2. The Unraid team attended an off-site in London to meet some long-time Unraid contributors IRL and plan for the future of Unraid such as: 

  • A public Unraid API 
  • A responsive webgui (currently being worked on!)
  • A shiny new Unraid Account web app to make managing your licenses a breeze (currently being worked on!)
  • Additional notifications for ZFS pools such as pool scrubs and degraded pools
  • Enhancements to hard drive SMART monitoring options
  • An integrated backup solution 
  • Solutions for offering alternatives to booting from a USB
    …and a whole lot more! 

3. Joshua Kelleway of IAMSystems gave a great overview on how his business leverages Unraid for professional home automation projects across Australia.

4. Stefano Partida walks you through a new all-flash storage setup on the Lincstation N1, setting up ZFS pools on the Unraid 7 beta and shows how to pass through the LincStation's onboard iGPU to a Handbrake container. Check it out here!

5. The Unraid site has a new Partners page showcasing some of our top content creators, OEMs, and businesses that run Unraid on prod!

6. Be on the lookout for Unraid 7.0.0-beta.3 in the coming days!

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Speaker 1:

Hello and good evening. Welcome to the Unraid Digest show. I am your host, stefano, and I will be talking you guys through all the things that happened during September, the first of which is that the Unraid team managed to hire not one, but two full stack developers. This is great news because this shows that Unraid is managed to hire not one, but two full stack developers. This is great news because this shows that Unraid is growing at a healthy pace and they're comfortable enough to hire more than one person for the full stack development position. These two developers will hopefully create a more powerful API, which should help speed up the operating system development process, so hopefully we see some change in the coming months.

Speaker 1:

Poojit is one of the new developers to join the Unraid team. He started off as a system administrator and worked his way into software development for John Hopkins Applied Physics Lab. He's worked on everything from space projects to AI-driven policy. He's obviously one of us because he came across Unraid while searching for an easy, elegant solution for his self-hosted projects. Mike is the other new developer to join the team, who has a background in web design as well as software as a service development and, just like the rest of us, he, too, also discovered Unraid while searching for the perfect NAS solution. If you're at all interested in learning more about Mike and Poojit, you can head over to the Unraid forum to read a full biography about their likes, interests, hobbies and the skills that they have to offer to Unraid. And other than that would you like to know more? The Unraid team recently came back from a short-lived trip to London where they spent some time bonding as well as getting to know each other from some of the team members that live overseas, and unfortunately I didn't get to go to London again, so that seems a little unfair to me, but that's just me speaking. Many a moon ago, when I was just a wee lad in the year of our Lord Gaben, 2005, tom had posted on a home theater forum about a project called Unraid, and over the next 10 years or so, many contributors came and went and much beer was had. And then in 2015, unraid hired its first full-time developer, and then from that point forward, unraid continued to grow to the point where we know and love it.

Speaker 1:

Today there is a new episode on the Uncast show featuring Joshua from IAM Systems. In that episode you will learn a ton of information about home automation and other Internet of Things technology and the IAM Home product that offers Unraid. If you've been watching the Unraid Digest show at all, then you know that Unraid 7 no longer requires you to have an array. And guess what? There's also a video that you can check out that I've created that will show you how to do that on the link station in one and you can actually do this on any server, for that matter and also I can show you how to use the link station in one to also do some video encoding, which I thought was pretty cool. So be sure to head over and check that out if you're at all interested in learning how to set up Unraid without an array. There is a new page on Unraid's website called Unraid Community Partners. That features content from fellow creators and contributors, oems that offered Unraid OS alongside of their hardware, a spot to get into touch with Unraid for OEMs or anyone maybe looking to use Unraid for a product that they plan to sell, and posts that go into detail about other businesses that use Unraid on the regular.

Speaker 1:

Rumors are circulating and people are beginning to wonder when Unraid 7 Beta 3 will be released. Specifically, people like I enjoy creating videos over on Reddit is asking when it might be released. Well, I don't have an official date for you. It could happen within the next couple of days. Now, don't get too excited. That is not official and things can definitely change, but that is something I may have just caught wind of while also perusing around on the interwebs. You know, people aren't really reliable anyway. So, with all that being said, I want to thank each of you for liking and subscribing to the Uncashed show and showing your support for the Unraid Digest show itself. I will see all of you on next month's episode. Good night.

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