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Unraid February Digest 2025


 ‪@SPXLabs‬ is back for another addition of the Unraid Digest for February 20205 with updates on:

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Speaker 1:

Good morning and welcome to the Unraid Digest. I'm your host, stefano Partita, and when this show is late, we try to be especially late. So, without any further rating, let's go ahead and check out all things that went down in February for Unraid. Unraid 7.0.1 recently just dropped and all users are strongly encouraged to upgrade to that version, especially those of you that are using the tailscale integration for any of your containers.

Speaker 1:

There was a security flaw that was found where containers that are using tailscale integration and also in host mode have inadvertently allowed root level access through the web UI to any user. With this release, the ability to launch such containers has been disabled. The security fix prevents containers with the network type of host from using the Tailscale integration, and any existing containers in this configuration will no longer start. All users will be warned via the Fixed Common Problems plugin if any container exists with this configuration. The container logic has been enhanced to prevent containers with the network type container from using the tailscale integration. What essentially this boils down to is that you can no longer use host modes. That means you'll have to use a custom interface BR0, e0, or Bond0, something like that in order to get your containers to work and or function correctly. Other bug fixes and improvements have been made to the memory management, file manager, hardware support, butterfs, pool expansion, partition management and array management. There was an issue identified with Mover where shares with spaces in the name would not transfer from the array to a pool, and another issue where Mover did not handle hard links appropriately. The virtual machine management received some fixes as well, like the fix for VMs that had a single quotation mark in the name would prevent the VM from starting and stopping. Perhaps more importantly, there's a fix that now prevents new shares from being created when a new VM is created. My notes are a little unclear about this next one, but it's something about a discard field appearing blank. That's been fixed, so you don't have to worry about that.

Speaker 1:

For whoever that affected, there have been more improvements to Docker, such as the container manager, hiding update statuses for containers managed by third-party tools, the blacklisting of CDC drivers to prevent issues with NICs that have IPMI capabilities on certain motherboards. There's also been a downgrade to the DHCPD package that affects containers. Somehow. My notes are quite literally blank on this one and I'm not really sure who that was affecting, but at least those users that were being affected by the DHCPD issue will no longer have to face that, so that's good news there. Ui and diagnostic improvements have been made, so now there is a tooltip that correctly displays spaces instead of that pesky %20 encoding mumbo jumbo. The kernel has also been upgraded to 6.678 and along with that are some updates to some packages like bind, curl, git, mc, openssh, openssl, rsync and a few others. The Unraid API for the Connect plugin got some new features, such as a new notification system, new options to the Unraid API command line interface, graphql enhancements, the new option to allow single sign-on with your Unraidnet account, a fix to the notification count syncing in the web UI, modified the log rotate configuration and its permissions, fixed broken modals and CSS headers for the web UI, as well as several other fixes and improvements.

Speaker 1:

Ed AKA Space Invader 1 has been unleashed and his role has been expanded. This means that he'll be creating additional content in the form of guides, tutorials, tech deep dives that are relevant to the Unraid community. He will also be helping shape professional services and work with business users and contributing documentation related to best practices in production environments. Most users on the forums are welcoming this change with open arms, so I'm sure he greatly appreciates all the support that y'all have shown him thus far. Be sure to check out the Unraid February Digest webpage, where there's some sweet community content posted there, and, while you're also there, check out some of the top forum posts that were made during February, and don't forget to like this video if you enjoy content like this, and get subscribed so you don't miss out on all that content that Ed will be producing for us in the future. Thank you and good. After morning it's supposed to be nighttime, but this now I don't know.

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